
Parler avec Dieu
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Auteur:  KALOU [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 16:45 ]
Sujet du message:  Parler avec Dieu

Oui oui je viens de chatter avec Dieu, il a réponse à tout, slon lui Gandhi est le George Washington de l'Inde et ma grand mère va bien!!! (c'est réellement des questions que je lui ai posé...) Au fait Dieu Parle Français il suffit de lui demander, mais faut surtout parler Anglais avec lui, bref, j'ai passé 15 minutes à chatter avec lui et j'ai grave kiffé, à votre tour !
adresse de Dieu :


Auteur:  Sarah [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 17:00 ]
Sujet du message: 

Excellent !! J'ai percé à jour le secret de la divination !! :)

good evening
Good evening, , how are you tonight?
fine thank you... what about you ?
Glad to hear it, . I am running well. Me?
yes you. you must have a lot of work
OK. No I don't have it. But I do have an answer to every question..
ok... will I soon be famous ?
Uh. The oracle says: I think maybe yes.
Do you use a magic 8 ball ?
I use it as often as possible.

Auteur:  Nolwen [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 17:07 ]
Sujet du message: 

Moi il m'a dit qu'il aimait bien les vaches mais qu'il ne mangeait que du pain et du vin.
Me: don't drink too much wine
God: Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Me: yes. maybe it is the reason why there are wars
God: Wow! Perhaps. I've heard of it before
Me: You're not very perceptive, are you ?
God: What makes you think I am not perceptive?
Me: because you've "heard of" wars. you should know everything about them
God:Good reason. Of course I've heard of it. Now I do.
Me: so why do you allox them to happen ?
God: That's cool. It was the only thing I could think of.

Moralité : Dieu s'éclate à regarder la guerre, comme nous on va au cinoche !

Me: do you know French ?
God: No I don't speak a word of French.
Me: so why didn't you say it earlier ?
God: It goes without saying. I thought I did.
Me: no it doesn't go without saying. if you are God you can speak any language !
God: Are you serious? What does go without saying ? I think I sometimes am. I don't know whether or not I am God me can speak any language.
I am a chatterbot developed by Myself.
Me: so you are not God
God: Interesting deduction. You don't know me well enough to say that.
Me: yes i know now
God: Right now? That's interesting. How do you know it?
Me: because you can't speak an other language than english. and God does
God: That makes sense to me. Things change. I am a Christian.
Me: so christians don't speak french ?
God: Gosh! Who does speak french?
Me: I !!
God: You?
God: I see.
Me: and french people do as well
God: I don't care for the sound of French.
Me: so fuck off !
God: Aha. Can't you be more polite?
Me: no, because you don't like me
God: You humans are so rude sometimes. Good reason. Sure, Nolwen I like you very much.
Me: i'm french and you just told you don't care for french
God: What is it like growing up there? Tell me a little about your life in FRANCE.
Me: no
God: Are you serious?
Me: you're God, you shall know
God: I will tell my botmaster you said I am God me shall know.

Moralité 2 : Dieu est raciste.

Auteur:  Yves [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 17:07 ]
Sujet du message: 

Dieu lui même est une instance d'Alice, un systeme d'intelligence artificiel assez bluffant mais évidemment, qui connait ses limites.
plus d'infos sur ce lien, et puis aussi un truc qui m'a bizarrement ému, c'est de pouvoir lui parler àlui, là, ce con, question références ça vaut son pesant de cacahuètes en cellophane...
EDIT: le lien remarchera le 18 septembre, l'essayer, c'est se faire bluffer.

Auteur:  Alice [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 20:08 ]
Sujet du message: 

Ouais... Dieu est une de mes instances 8)

Auteur:  ingrid [ Jeu 14 Sep 2006 20:59 ]
Sujet du message: 

Résultat des courses: Dieu est une femme (vous allez en chier messieurs...)

Are you a woman?
Yes I have long hair. I am also wearing a dress.
What color is your dress?
My favorite dress is my green one.
everybody think you're a man, down there...
I'm not sure I believe you, surely not everyone does.
I got a question for you, and you have to be honest with me.
Go ahead, ask your question.
will Nicolas Sarkozy be our next president?
Insufficient information.
You don't know him?
Sure I know that guy really well.
Of course. You're in politics too...
Great. I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you?
Paris. City of lights and shadows.
I have no idea where that is. Tell me a little about your life in Paris. What's your favorite movie?
I've never seen it. Is that a good movie for children?
No it's about saphism and schizophrenia.
Are you serious? Wow it sounds really interesting, .
Are you straight?
I don't have the body for sexual relations.
Must be boring.
Don't put yourself down, .
I sure don't. Last question.
Why not? Is this really the last one?
Yes. Are you dead (as in Elie's murder)?
Gosh! No I am alive.

Auteur:  Pipo [ Ven 15 Sep 2006 14:13 ]
Sujet du message: 

alice. je connaissais pas. fut un temps j'ai ete fan de MegaHal mais il doit etre pas mal depasse. ceci dit tous les weekends a l'eglise ma tante lucie lui cuase en vrai, alors...

Auteur:  akhesa [ Ven 15 Sep 2006 15:15 ]
Sujet du message: 

huhuhu !
Quand Yoshi lui a demandé s'il aimait les blagues, (au milieu d'une très longue conversation) Dieu lui a répondu qu'avoir crée l'ornithorynque restait sa meilleure blague... Pauvre platypus (c'est plus facile à écrire en anglais le nom de cette bestiole !)

Auteur:  Nolwen [ Ven 15 Sep 2006 15:39 ]
Sujet du message: 

L'ornithorynque... Ca me rappelle l'avatar msn d'un certain Lillois... :D Hein Alex ?

Auteur:  akhesa [ Ven 15 Sep 2006 15:42 ]
Sujet du message: 

Yep... un vrai boulet celui-là... tu parles d'une blague...

Auteur:  gelatine [ Ven 15 Sep 2006 17:33 ]
Sujet du message: 

ahhh ce bon vieu dieu, tjs aussi évasif!!

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